While I'm driving A. to her dance class this afternoon, I look in the rearview mirror and notice that she has grape jelly from her lunchtime sandwich smudged across one of her eyebrows. I tell her to spit on her finger and wipe her eyebrow with it. She does it and then the conversation goes like this:
A.: "Did I get it?"
Me: "No, try again." (She tries again.)
A.: "Did I get it?"
Me: "Nope, try again." After another unsuccessful attempt with the same reply from me she says in an exasperated tone ...
A.: "Why do you keep saying that!?!"
Me: "Because you didn't get it yet! Don't worry about it ... I'll just do it when we get to the dance studio."
Long, thoughtful pause from the back seat ...
She then says, "Well then, will you please use MY spit?!?"
The day was a gloriously warm and sunny February day so A. and I hit the park after her dance class. I'm so glad I captured this on camera because the outfit she's wearing is quintessentially her ... it's pink and it has a skirt for twirling (both must-haves in her current wardrobe of choice) and her shoes top off the ballerina look by adding just the right amount of sparkle and shine. This is an outfit she can be seen wearing 5 out of 7 days, even though she only attends dance class for one hour on 1 out of those 7 days. Aahhh, the glory of being 3 years old! Wouldn't it be a fun and funky world if everyone had the same freedom to slip on a bubble-gum pink leotard and sparkly shoes for a spur-of-the-moment outing to the park??? :)