

If you know me, then you probably know that it's no secret that Vegas is one of my least favorite places to visit, but this past weekend it played host city to
some of my favorite people on the planet so I looked past
it's garish, in-your-face, over-sized facades {no bias there, right?!}
so that I could enjoy the good company of people I love.

Caroline and I flew in for a whirlwind trip
that included a quick jaunt to the Venetian Hotel:
{my baby brother's workplace and her only request for a 'must-see'}

The opportunity to spend time with some really amazing relatives of mine:
{I'm sad that I didn't get a picture of us with my cousins, because they made our first day in Vegas one filled with great belly laughs, good conversations and a whole lotta fun ...
thanks & luvs to you, Farah, Star & kidlets!}

I also got to check an item off that sometimes dusty Mighty Life List:
{also known by it's less glamorous name: The Bucket List}


My brother Chris and I got some quick instruction and headed out on the water. Maybe, possibly with a slightly over-exaggerated sense of our abilities? Within ten minutes, I was stuck in a reedy marsh and Chris was unintentionally swimming in the water. It was all part of the fun and the thrill of it, though, and I have to say
that it was every bit as fun as I imagined it to be. This means that I'm now on the lookout for some paddleboarding buddies here in town
so call me if you're in the market!

I needed this getaway more than I realized. Although the trip was quick, it was chock-full of the deceptively simple gift of being with one another. Eating, chatting, teasing, laughing, sharing new adventures ... you know, those very things that make life so unexpectedly sweet and surprising. Let's do it again soon, k?

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