
Julia.revisited.in.b&w - Fort Collins Senior Portrait Photography

You might have noticed that I LOVE color images.  Love, love, love 'em.  Try as I may, try as I might, I just don't like my B&W conversions as much as I love my color images.  Here's the weird thing, though ... other photographers black & whites??  LOVE 'em.  I can't really explain this strange discrepancy other than to say that most of the time, black and white images just don't feel like me.  Lately, though, I've been wanting to enjoy my B&W conversions more and basically that means I've got to push through some of that uncertainty by doing them again and again ... until they feel right.  In other words, until they feel more me.
I chose a few unblogged images from a session I did several weeks ago and converted them to B&W.  I also included this side by side comparison
of the same image in both color & B&W.  You've seen the images and heard my side of things ...
What say you??

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  1. your black and whites look fab! for real, I love em.

  2. From someone who has focused on bw film for years (I studied it exclusively for awhile) your black and white conversions look great!! Good tonal range and contrast. I love the car shot...very cool! Between the color or black and white image, I like the color of that one better. Seems more powerful to me.


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