Wanna know a secret?? I'm just a little bit proud of myself. Just a little bit.
I've been thinking about shooting some film for oh ... about the past year ... or so.
Which reminds me of this fun little Pinterest find that I'm pretty sure was made for me:
Anywho ... never you mind that it's been on my 'to do' list for such a long time. I've chosen to focus on the positive here, which is that I finally did it. I really, really did it! I bet you're proud of me, too, right?! I had all sorts of hang-ups about it because, well, I'm good at having hang-ups ... among other things. Never you mind about those either because the most important part of this little story is that I pushed through them and it was oddly liberating. I must say that I particularly love that feeling of taking something that's intimidating to you and flipping it on it's ear ... making it work for you, not against you. Note to self? Must.do.again.soon.
P.S. Don't my two little bedheads look so dreamy on film??
{no bias here, of course}
{shot with a Nikon N70 and Portra 160 VC film}
P.P.S. Be a dear and say you'll come pin with me??
Pinning is the best and these photos are the bomb! Dont you love NOT editing?